Urotherapy Certification Program: Day 7

7.1 Professionalisation; knowledge and science


As a urotherapist, you are expected to make independent decisions within the urotherapeutic profession, recognising and respecting your own limitations. When necessary, you should consult with (para)medical or other professionals. You are responsible for your work and must monitor your limits. Systematic self-reflection on your behaviour and experiences is essential and you should be open to discussing these reflections with colleagues. Recognise your personal qualities and use them effectively in practice.

Advocate for the unity and recognition of the urotherapy profession. To provide quality care, you need the autonomy and trust to manage your responsibilities effectively. You are responsible for your own professional development and for upholding the values of the profession, even in organisations with different values and standards.

Contribute to the advancement of urology through scientific research. Evidence-based practice is fundamental to improving patient outcomes and increasing the effectiveness of urotherapy. Understand how scientific research works, be able to read and interpret scientific articles, and actively participate in research initiatives to integrate the latest evidence into your practice and contribute to the ongoing development of the field.

Learning objectives

The participant:

  • Knows when and how to consult with (para)medics or other professionals to ensure comprehensive care and effective treatment planning.
  • Advocates for the urotherapy profession and supports the role of the urotherapist within the healthcare system.
  • Understand the basics of scientific research, including how to read and interpret scientific articles, and explore ways to contribute to research aimed at improving care.


Hellström AL, Lindehall B, Sillén U. The development of urotherapy in pediatric care and the training of urotherapists. Clin J Nurs Care Pract. 2023; 7: 001-005. DOI: 10.29328/journal.cjncp.1001044

Nieuwhof-Leppink AJ, Garriboli M, Cascio S, Braga LH, Haid B, Nelson CP, Dönmez MI, Ching CB, Harper L; ESPU Research Committee. Elevating pediatric urology care: The crucial role of nursing research in quality improvement. J Pediatr Urol. 2024 Jun;20(3):528-529. doi: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2024.03.006. Epub 2024 Mar 11. PMID: 38531759.

7.2 Feedback following final reports and review

Submission date final assignment by April 24 -2025

During Session we will provide feedback on the final reports.