Application and fee payment
Fee payment
Fees from January 1st 2019:
- Ordinary (full) members: 200€ (only 150€ if you pay before March 1st)
- Corresponding members : 170€ (only 120€ if you pay before March1st)
- Associate members: 170€ (only 120€ if you pay before March 1st)
- Senior members: 105€ (only 55€ if you pay before March1st)
- Junior members: 125€ (only 75€ if you pay before March1st)
From 2019, payment for the journal will be directly handled by Elsevier who is going to contact you shortly after you have successfully paid your annual membership fees.
On-line journal will cost 50€ per year and on-line + printed will be 75€ per year.
Please contact