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• Your presentation can be loaded on to the network without problems when it does not

exceed 15 MB: larger files can cause problems!

• Accepted Fonts are the standard Windows fonts. If you use a non-standard (e.g. scientific

symbols) font with your presentation, you should supply this non-standard font separately

with your presentation. For a normal projection, the font size 24 is sufficient.

• Use computer resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels (HD 1080i) if possible.

• Format your presentation in 16:9 ratio – adjust the ‘Page Setup’ menu – in PowerPoint

2007/2016, select the 16:9 slide preset, or in PowerPoint 2003 or earlier, enter a custom size

of 27.9 cm by 15.7 cm (11 inches by 6.1875 inches). Please see more information here.

• Use embedded pictures, DO NOT use files linked to other files. Linked files will not show up

in your presentation!

Accepted Picture File Formats






How to Determine the Legibility of the Text

For a 17-inch screen, stand 2 meters away. If you can see your presentation (slide + test) clearly

(presentation 100% image) there shouldn't be problems seeing this presentation in a lecture


If you use a font size of 24, your test is readable at the back of the room.

Example: On a screen of 3.00 × 2.00 m, you can read the 24-font size at a distance of 20 m. If

you use a bolder text, the legibility will improve.

Don't forget!

Always make sure you bring a back up of your presentation!

All presenters must register to the meeting.

C) Video Presentations (Vp) Guidelines Selected for Podium


The quality of the meeting is extremely dependent on how you present your work, and the ESPU

Scientific Committee would like to remind you of a few key points:

• Do not give too long an introduction.

• Do not exceed the time limits: 5 minutes for presentation, 3 min discussion.

• Hand in your presentation at least 2 hours prior to the session at the Speakers‘ Service Centre.

• Please check the more detailed instructions enclosed.

• This year we will be very strict with the time of presentations (5 min for video).

Since we consider time for discussion as essential, you will be asked to conclude when your time

is out. Selected videos will be presented during a podium session, and then the discussion takes

place with the presenter at the podium.