2014 - ESPU-N Annual General Meeting - Innsbruck, Austria
Innsbruck May 08 2014
The annual general meeting was opened and the president Anka Nieuwhof-Leppink welcomed the ESPU-N members.
Innsbruck May 08 2014
The annual general meeting was opened and the president Anka Nieuwhof-Leppink welcomed the ESPU-N members.
Abstracts presented at the Nurses meeting (May 7-10th 2014) in Innsbruck, Austria.
Abstracts presented at the Nurses meeting (April 24-27th 2013) in Genoa, Italy.
Hanny Cobussen-Boekhorst & Karen Kwak
The annual general meeting was opened and the president Ellen Janhsen welcomed the ESPUN members.
Abstracts presented at the Nurses meeting (May 9 - 12th 2012) in Zurich, Switzerland.
In April the 16th meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Urology Nurse Group (ESPUN) took place in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Abstracts presented at the Nurses meeting (April 27-30, 2011) in Copenhagen, Denmark.