Committee Members

Department of Pediatric Urology and Pediatric Surgery
Hôpital Pellegrin-Enfants
University Hospital Bordeaux, France
My main areas of interest concern clinical research. I conducted a multicentric RCT on the effect of circumcision in boys with posterior urethral valves and am currently conducting another trial on the effect of oxybutynin on bladder function in PUV. We are also studying prognostic factors in pelvi-ureteric obstruction as well as long-term sexual function in men with hypospadias. I am keen on promoting multicentric and international collaboration in research in Pediatric Urology.

PhD, Head of Urotherapy Department, Ped. Nurse (RN) & Psychologist.
Coordinator Urotherapy Department.
Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, part of University Medical Center Utrecht.
My main areas of interest are lower urinary tract symptoms, urotherapy, bladder and bowel management, conservative treatment of bladder anomalies, behavioral therapy, CIC and anxiety. Together with my team, I am responsible of the inpatient and outpatient coordination of care of children with lower urinary tract symptoms. Furthermore, I coordinate educational programs for urotherapists, physiotherapist, nationally and internationally. I like scientific research as a basis for further professionalization and improvement of quality of care. My research is focused on behavioral aspects of treatment of children with bowel and bladder problems, the ongoing search to the etiology of LUTS and development of technological, digital solutions or devices as supporting treatment tools

Professor in the Department of Surgery
Research Director of the Urology Residency Program
Director of the McMaster Pediatric Surgery Research collaborative
Division of Pediatric Urology
McMaster's Children Hospital
McMaster University
Topics of interest:
- Research interests include prenatal hydronephrosis, hypospadias repair outcomes, cryptorchidism, bladder bowel dysfunction (BBD), prospective databases and registries.

Salvatore CASCIO (IRL)
Associate Clinical Professor, University College Dublin
Department of Paediatric Surgery and Urology
Children’s Health Ireland at Temple Street and Our Lady’s Hospital
Dublin, Ireland
Topics of interest:
- Neurogenic bladder
- Genetics of VUR
- Disorders of Sex Development
- Teaching and Education

Christina CHING (USA)
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Columbus, Ohio
Topics of interest:
My research interests include understanding innate host mechanisms to resist urinary tract infections. I am currently studying the impact of urothelial IL-6/Stat3 signaling on urinary tract infection susceptibility. I also have interests in the impact of the microbiome on urinary tract health. I have been very fortunate to work in a collaborative environment with our pediatric nephrology colleagues and developmental biologists and enjoy multidisciplinary collaboration

Associate Professor of Urology
İstanbul University İstanbul Faculty of Medicine
Department of Urology
Division of Pediatric Urology
İstanbul, Turkey
Topics of Interest:
- Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction
- Antenatal Hydronephrosis
- Urinary Biomarkers
- Hypospadias
- Pediatric Renal Transplantation

Consultant Paediatric Urologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer
Department of Paediatric Urology
Evelina London Children's Hospital and King's College London
Topics of interest:
- Clinical interest: Posterior Urethral Valves, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Hypospadias
- Research interest: Tissue engineering, Stem Cells/Regenerative medicine, Clinical Research

Bernhard HAID (AUS)
Attending Pediatric Urologist
Vice Chair of Department
Department of Pediatric Urology
Ordensklinikum Linz, Hospital of the Sisters of Charity
Research Interests include embryology of the male urethra and penile skin, vesicoureteric reflux

Associate Professor for Surgery
Department of Urology
Boston Children’s Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts
Topics of interest:
- Clinical effectiveness research
- Quality of care
- Patient safety
Click to see the Past Members
Darius J. BÄGLI (CAN)
Professor of Surgery and Physiology
Faculty of Medicine
University of Toronto
Sr. Attending Urologist and Sr. Associate Scientist
Hospital For Sick Children & Research Institute
Divisions of Urology & Developmental and Stem Cell Biology
Topics of Interest:
- Epigenetics and molecular biology of obstructive and fibrorproliferative bladder myopathy, host urinary infection response, and hypospadias / genital development.
- Clinical networks and databases
- Pediatric innovation
Member until 2022
Pediatric urologist (FEAPU)
Clinical epidemiologist
Department of Urology
VU University Medical Center
Topics of interest:
- Clinical interest: reconstructive pediatric urology, DSD/hypospadias, voiding disorders in children with disabilities (neurogenic bladder, exstrophy, neuropsychiatric disorders), VUR
- Research interest: voiding disorders in children with disabilities (translational research), hydronephrosis, VUR
Chief of the Pediatric Urology Unit, Department of Surgery
Magdalena FOSSUM (SWE)
MD, PhD, FEAPS, FEAPU, Associate Professor
Former Chair RC
Department of Pediatric Urology
Karolinska University Hospital
SE 171 76 Stockholm, Sweden
Laboratory of Tissue Engineering
Department of Women’s and Children’s Health
Karlinska Institutet
Topics of interest:
- Regenerative medicine for congenital malformation surgery.
- Tissue engineering.
- Networking and international collaboration.
M.S., Clinical Research Manager
Division of Urology/Nephrology
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Topics of interest:
- Health services research
- Physician practice pattern variation
- Hydronephrosis
- Vesicoureteral reflux
Professor of Urology
Indiana University
702 Barnhill Drive, Suite 4230
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
Topics of interest:
- Impact of Hydrostatic Pressure on Bladder and Renal function.
- Development of Novel Bioscaffolds for the treatment of Bladder Dysfunction.
- Effects of Agricultural Biochemicals on the prevalence and severity of genital anomalies.
- Development of Novel Surgical Approaches for the management of congenital urinary tract obstruction.
More information:
Nicolas KALFA (FR)
MD, PhD, Professor
Former Vice-Chair RC
Pr and Head of Pediatric Surgery and Urology Departement.
Hôpital Lapeyronie, CHU de Montpellier, France
Université de Montpellier
Topics of interest:
- Clinical interest: Surgical management of hypospadias and DSD
- Research interest: Genetics and pathophysiology of genital defects. The role of endocrine disruptors. pathophysiology and surgery