List of the ESPU travel scholarship
Travels accepted throughout the years
E. Nilufer, R.N. (Nurse) |
Urodynamic and Urotherapy Unit at the Goteborg Children’s Hospital, Goteborg, Sweden |
2000 |
Becker Goedele MA |
R. Debré University Children Hospital, Paris, France |
2001 |
Gyftopoulos Kostis |
Sophia Children’s Hospital |
2001 |
Margar Margaryan |
Fondation Hospital Saint Joseph in Paris, France |
2001 |
Bubanj Tatjana |
Hospital Debrousse, Lyon, France |
2002 |
Golebiewsky Andrzej |
Pediatric Urology in the Queen Silvia Children’s Hospital, Goteborg, Sweden |
2003 |
Verkauskas Gilvydas |
R. Debré University Children Hospital, Dep. Paediatric Surgery and Urology Paris, France |
2004 |
Alova Ilona |
Hopital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris, France |
2006 |
Kalfa Nicolas |
Prof. Baskin, San Francisco, California, USA |
2007 |
Tsachouridis George |
University Hospital Gent, Belgium, |
2007 |
Agras Koray |
Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, United Kingdom |
2007 |
Markus Frimberger |
Krankenhaus Barmherzige Schwestern, Linz, Austria Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey |
2008 |
Ana Catarina Fragoso |
Fondation Lenval, Hopital pour Enfants, Nice, France |
2008 |
Stephen Griffin |
Hopital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris, France Fondation Lenval, Hopital pour Enfants, Nice , France |
2008 |
Ali Cancu Bozaci |
University Hospital Groningen, |
2009 |
Zafer Dökűmcű |
Leeds Teaching Hospital, Leeds, United Kingdom |
2009 |