ESPU Congress 2018 - Abstract Book

72 29 th CONGRESS OF THE ESPU 11:15–11:18 S7-5 (PP) INLAY BUCCAL MUCOSAL GRAFT, FIRST STAGE HYPOSPADIAS REPAIR: FACTORS PROMOTING SUCCESS Ezekiel Harold LANDAU  1 , Mordechai DUVDEVANI  2 , Ofer Nathan GOFRIT  2 , Dov PODE  2 , Vladimir YUTKIN  2 , Ofer Zeev SHENFELD  3 , Matan MCKEITEN  2 and Guy HIDAS  1 1) Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Pediatric Urology Unit, Department of Urology, Jerusalem, ISRAEL - 2) Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Department of Urology, Jerusalem, ISRAEL - 3) Shaarey Zedek Medical Center, Department of Urology, Jerusalem, ISRAEL PURPOSE Buccal mucosal (BM) graft is a common surgical method used in our armamentarium of complex hypospadias re-do surgical repair. Quality of the graft and the recipient graft bed determine graft take following first stage, and subsequent success of future urethral tubularization (UT). We evaluated our outcome of buccal mucosal graft take, focusing on factors responsible for re-do grafting prior to UT. MATERIAL AND METHODS Themedical records of patients who underwent a first stage inlay BMhypospadias repair (FSIBMHR) were retrospectively, reviewed. We analyzed success rate, and its association with patient's age, graft size, piercing, donor site, and number of previous procedures. RESULTS Sixty-one patients (mean age 6.65 years, range 1–25) underwent first stage inlay BM hypospadias repair in 2005–2017. Grafts were sutured to the edges of the urethral bed, and, with quilt sutures, to its underline bed. All patients were either post ritual circumcision (10), or hypospadias failed procedures(mean-2.3, range 1–10). Median graft size as was available from the charts of 48 pa- tients was 25X15 mm. Forty eight grafts (78.7 %) were pierced prior to grafting. The lip served as donor site for 34 (55.7 %) grafts, and the cheek for 24 (39.3 %). 3 (4.9 %) grafts were harvested from both. In 10 (16.4 %) patients graft-take has partially failed and additional grafting was required. Patients' age (p=0.123), number of prior operations (p=0.328), graft size (p=0.247), piercing (p=0.76), and donor site (p=413) were not associated with the need for revision. CONCLUSIONS Re-do first stage dorsal inlay BM hypospadias repair was highly successful in our patient popula- tion. There was no single factor significantly contributing to failure. Graft piercing, and the type of graft donor site, were not associated with graft-take failure. 11:18–11:21 S7-6 (PP) CHALLENGE OF POST HYPOSPADIAS REPAIR SKIN RECONSTRUCTION:MODIFIED NEW TECHNIQUE Mamdouh AHMED, Paradip VINCENT, Islam AMER and Islam AMER Ibn Sina hospital, Pediatric Urology Unit, Kuwait City, KUWAIT PURPOSE Skin reconstrution in hypospaidas repair is challenge to all hypospaidas surgeon. We report a modi- fied and a very easy to practice and cosmetically acceptable technique of skin closure in completely degloved penis for hypospadias.