ESPU Congress 2018 - Abstract Book

46 29 th CONGRESS OF THE ESPU 16:29–16:32 S3-12 (PP) THE FETAL DIURESIS UNDER PHISIOLOGICAL PREGNANSY - THE NATURAL DIURETIC TEST Liudmila DERYUGINA  1 and Elena KRASNOVA  2 1) Saratov state Medical university, Saratov Scientific Research Medical Institute of Fundamental and C, Urology, Saratov, RUSSIAN FEDERATION - 2) Saratov State Medical University named after V.I.Razumovsky, Paediatric Surgical Department, Saratov, Pediatric Surgical Department, Saratov, RUSSIAN FEDERATION PURPOSE The fetal diuresis – an important physiological indicator, which reflects homeostasis, the hemody- namic in conditions of normal urodynamics. The aim of the stude is to determine parameters of diuresis in the fetuses between 19 and 40 weeks of gestation under the physiological circumstances. MATERIAL AND METHODS The prenatal ultrasound cystometry with natural filling was used in 86 to study/. We registered the maximum and minimum volume of the bladder, the lengh of the micturition cycling, which allowed us to calculate diuresis of the fetus per minute (hour) taking into account the weight of the body. 56 prenatal ultrasound fetal urodynamic investigations were performed during normal pregnancy of the fetus in 19–40 weeks of gestation. RESULTS A high correlation between fetal diuresis, gestational age, fetal weight and capacity of the bladder (r -0.84), (r-0.76), (r-0.83) was noted. The normative values of diuresis of the fetus in different terms of gestation are calculated. Diuretic parameters weeks 18–22 23–26 27–30 31–33 34–36 37–40 ml\minute M = 0,07 M =0,13 M =0,21 M =0,48 M=0,71 M =0,64 ml\hour M = 4,26 M =7,77 M =11,4 4 M =28,7 M =42,8 M =38,74 ml\hour\kg M = 9.93 M =9,63 M =9,93 M=15,15 M=17,57 M =12,95 Comparison of diuresis of the fetus with diuresis of the newborn, it becomes evident that, starting from the 20 th week of gestation, the fetal diuresis exceeds the newborn diuresis. CONCLUSIONS The fetus has high level diuresis, which can be regarded as a natural diuretic load, the special physiological significance of which can be the formation and regulation of the detrusor functions.