ESPU Congress 2018 - Abstract Book

225 11–14 APRIL, 2018, HELSINKI, FINLAND 12:10–12:20 S2-2 (LO) THE OUT-OF-ROUTINE URODYNAMIC STUDY IN A CAUDAL DUPLICATION CASE Ezgi ALTUN TANIL  1 , Sibel TIRYAKI  2 , Ibrahim ULMAN  1 and Ali AVANOGLU  1 1) Ege University, Pediatric Surgery Division of Pediatric Urology, Izmir, TURKEY - 2) Ege University-Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Division of Pediatric Urology, Izmir, TURKEY PURPOSE Caudal duplication anomaly is a complex disorder with varying forms of duplication in cloaca and notochord. Gastrointestinal, genitourinary and spinal anomalies vary widely in these patients. The urodynamic study of a patient with caudal duplication abnormality was presented for its uniqueness. THE CASE A 9 year old girl, who was diagnosed as a caudal duplication syndrome in the neonatal period and did not admit since then, admitted to outpatient clinic. She did not receive any surgical treat- ment and did not suffer any serious health condition. She was still in diapers. In the laparotomy for gastrointestinal reconstruction, the duplicated hindgut segment was excised and colostomy was performed. Two bladders smaller than normal were observed. As the urinary continence story was suspicious and the family was unwilling for additional surgery, she was followed for another year without any surgical intervention. URODYNAMICS Urodynamic testing was performed after placement of pressure probes in both bladders and a pres- sure probe for intra-abdominal pressure measurement through the colostomy. The bladder on the left was slightly larger (right 40 mL, left 130 mL), and the total capacity was found to be about half of the expected for age. Excision of the right bladder, bladder neck closure, ileocystoplasty and Mitrofanoff procedure with the left bladder was planned. CONCLUSIONS Complex congenital abnormalities require adapting the nursing care and practices beyond the rou- tine. The awareness of different congenital anomalies, an experienced team and patient-centered approach are important while planning the reconstructive surgeries. 12:20–12:30 S2-3 (LO) LONG-TERM OUTCOME OF SUPRAPUBIC MINITM BUTTON BLADDER DRAINAGE AS A SECOND-LINE OPTION TO URETHRAL CIC Niamh GEOGHEGAN, Elizabeth COLTON, Nicholas MADDEN, Diane DE CALUWE, Nisha RAHMAN and Marie-Klaire FARRUGIA Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, Paediatric Urology, London, UNITED KINGDOM PURPOSE Suprapubic button (SPB) drainage is an effective option to urethral CIC is challenging, and as a temporising option until a more permanent surgical conduit is implemented. Our aim was to determine the long-term outcome of children managed with SPB drainage.