ESPU Congress 2018 - Abstract Book

224 29 th CONGRESS OF THE ESPU S2: LOWER URINARY TRACT Moderators: Lynne Bartlett (UK), Anneli Saarikoski (Finland) ESPU-Nurses Meeting on Thursday 12, April 2018, 12:00–12:40 12:00–12:10 S2-1 (LO) CASE REPORT-TEENAGE GIRL WITH FOWLERS SYNDROME Helena EKDAHL  1 , Monika DOROSZKIEWICZ  2 and Gundela HOLMDAHL  3 1) The Queen Silvia Children's Hospital, Paediatric Urology, Göteborg, SWEDEN - 2) The Queen Silvia Children's Hospital, Urotherapic unit, Göteborg, SWEDEN - 3) The Queen Silvia Children's Hospital, Pediatric urology and uroterapeutic unit, Göteborg, SWEDEN BACKGROUND Fowlers syndrome is characterized by urinary retention associated with abnormal sfincteric elec- tromyographic activity in young women. The sphincter don't relax to allow urine to pass normally. A spectrum of severity is shown. Some can pass urine with difficulty and have residual urine with dysuria and low abdominal and back pain and some have complete retention. There is an absence of overt neurologic disease and the ethiology is unknown. It has been reported to be associated to polycystic ovaries. MATERIAL AND METHODS A 14 year old girl, was admitted to our urotherapeutic unit from a local hospital. Six months earlier she had a sudden onset of unability to initiate a micturition and had urinary retention with ≥ 1 litre of urine in her bladder without urge. She was given a suprapubic catheter with continuous drainage. Ultrasound of the urinary tract was normal. Cystometry was not possible to perform because of pain. Cystoscopy normal, and in the same anestethia a vesicostomy button was inserted, as she refused CIC. We started her on bladder training emptying through the button every forth hour. RESULTS/DISCUSSION Her symptoms are consistent with the diagnose Fowler's syndrome, but will a diagnose help her? With the presentation of this case we would like to discuss how to investigate, assess and help girls with urinary retention of unknown cause.