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Information about EBPU and FEAPU exam

Bylaws of the EBPU & MJC-PU

  1. Definition
    1. The Multidisciplinary Joint Committee of Paediatric Urology, recognized by the UEMS in 10/2013, herein after called MJC-PU is a multidisciplinary regular body composed by the representatives of European Board of Paediatric Surgery (EBPS), European Board of Urology (EBU) and the European Society of Paediatric Urology (ESPU). The European Board Paediatric Urology (EBPU) is recognized by the UEMS in 10/2017. The EBPU together and within the Multidisciplinary Joint Committee of Paediatric Urology is responsible for defining regulations concerning required training, conducting site-visits to training programmes, certifying and re-certifying training programmes, organizing and conducting oral and written examinations for the qualification of a Fellow of the European Academy of Paediatric Urology (FEAPU) as well as certification and re-certification of the FEAPU. The composition of the board of EBPU is equal to the board of the Multidisciplinary Joint Committee of Paediatric Urology. All medical sections and MJC within the UEMS are welcome to join the annual board meetings.
  2. Objectives
    1. The main objective is to guarantee the highest standards of care in the field of Paediatric Urology for the members and associated members of Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes (UEMS).
      1. The EBPU shall set standards for the quality of the training and educational materials for Paediatric Urology in the UEMS countries.
      2. The EBPU shall set standards for the qualification of paediatric urologists and their maintenance.
      3. The EBPU shall certify training programmes within the UEMS countries fulfilling the standards of quality.
      4. The EBPU shall promote the recognition of Paediatric Urology as a subspecialty within the UEMS countries.
      5. The EBPU shall promote Continuous Medical Education (CME) and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) set by the UEMS and certified by the European Urology – Accredited Continuing Medical Education (EU-ACME).
      6. The EBPU shall work in close relation to the EBU, ESPU, European Urology Association (EAU), European Paediatric Surgeons’ Association (EUPSA), the Section & Board of Paediatric Surgery and Urology of the Union of European Medical Specialists and the European Reference Networks (ERN) related to the car.
      7. The EBPU shall set standards for oral and written examinations of candidates for qualification as FEAPU.
      8. The EBPU promote and work together with the Educational Committee (EC) of the ESPU to create multiple choice questions (MCQ) for the written exam and clinical scenarios for the oral exam. The EC is responsible for the creation of the MCQ’s and clinical scenarios for the exams, which are used by the EBPU during the examinations.
      9. The EBPU shall certify and re-certify FEAPU.
      10. Together with the programme directors of the certified training programmes and the Young Paediatric Urology Club (YPUC) the EBPU shall facilitate the exchange of trainees in paediatric urology between training centres to ensure a better harmonization and quality of training.
      11. The EBPU shall promote the recognition of a FEAPU as a full certified paediatric urologist by the local authorities within the UEMS countries.
      12. The EBPU is responsible for all tasks of the Multidisciplinary Joint Committee of Paediatric Urology and working as a regulatory and executive body to represent paediatric urology within the UEMS countries.
  3. Relationship to the UEMS, EBU, EBPS and ESPU
    1. The EBPU shall report the minutes of the Board meetings to the Executive Bureau of UEMS, EBU, EBPS and ESPU.
    2. The EBPU shall report all changes of the bylaws and regulations for the standards of the training programmes, certifications and recertification of the training programmes and FEAPU to the UEMS, EBU, EBPS and ESPU.
  4. Functions of EBPU
    1. The members of the EBPU perform site visits within the UEMS to the training centres, if they apply and are eligible to be awarded the title of a certified training programme. The award is presented to the training programme directors during the annual meeting of the ESPU. The certification is valid for 5 years. Exception of this period is, if there are doubts in the maintenance of a high standard in the training, the title is awarded for 2 years, which can be renewed for another 2 years. If there are still doubts in the maintenance of a high standard, no re-certification is awarded. A major change in the training programme, e.g. change of the programme director, has to be reported to the EBPU within three months. A re-evaluation by the EBPU-Board is mandatory. In case of violation of the regulations, the EBPU has the right to suspend the accreditation.
    2. The EBPU award the title of “Fellow of the European Academy of Paediatric Urology” to candidates, who fulfil all the requirements described in the section: “Requirements of the FEAPU”. The title is awarded for five years. The title of a FEAPU needs to be re-certified every five years. For recertification, the accreditation of 250 CME points including a total of 125 pure paediatric urology CME-points is needed. These points must be accredited by the EU-ACME.
    3. The EBPU organizes and conducts the annual written and oral exams in paediatric urology.
  5. Composition of the EBPU
    1. The EBU, the EBPS and ESPU have equal representation in the EBPU Board. Each has 2 voting representatives. Other sections, divisions or MJC of the UEMS having a direct interest in the training of Paediatric Urologists may apply for representation through the UEMS Executive Bureau or through the European Board of Urology and/or Paediatric These representatives will have only consultative status during the Board meeting.
    2. Representatives from the EBU, the EBPS and the ESPU have a mandate to negotiate on behalf of their Executive Boards and shall report to their Boards.
    3. The chair of the EC of the ESPU will attend the Board meetings as an “ex- officio” without the right to vote, however, as a consultant and may conduct site visits to training centres. In exchange, the secretary of the EBPU has an ex-officio status within the EC of the ESPU.
    4. The EBPU may invite experts and observers, who shall have consultative status.
    5. A president, a secretary and a treasurer can represent the EBPU.
  6. Members of the European Board Paediatric Urology / Multidisciplinary Joint Committee of Paediatric Urology
    1.  All members shall be appointed for a period of 4 years and may be re-elected once for another 4 years.
    2. The members should be members of, or be appointed by the Executive Boards of the EBU, EBPS or ESPU and be representative to the UEMS from their National organisations in accordance with the rules of the UEMS.
    3. The members should retire from office by the age of 70, or earlier if they have not been active in clinical work for 5 All members should be involved in active training.
    4. All members should have been practicing as a paediatric surgeon or urologist for at least 5 years.
    5. If a member is unable to attend two consecutive meetings, the respective Executive Board will be asked to appoint a replacement for the remaining period of time with a maximum of 8 years.
  7. Voting rights
    1. Each member of the EBPU has the right to vote.
    2. Ex-officio members, experts and observers have no right to vote.
    3. A member who cannot attend the meeting, should notify the secretary, and may be represented by any other current member of the EBPU.
    4. In case of equality of votes, the President has the deciding vote.

  8.  Executive of the EBPU
    1. The members of the EBPU elect a president, secretary and treasurer amongst its members. The president is elected for 4 years representing alternately EBPS or EBU.
    2. The term of the President is 4 years, not to be renewed. The other executives can be re-appointed for another 4 years.
    3. President and secretary shall not be the official representative of the same parental organization.
    4. The secretary is responsible for organizing the board meetings.
    5. The administrative coordinator of the EBPU is making minutes of the meetings. After approval of the minutes by email by the board members, the minutes are forward to the Executives of the EBU, EBPS and ESPU as well as the Secretary of UEMS as soon as possible (latest within 2 months after the meeting).
    6. The EBPU meets at least once a year.
  9. Finances
    1. The EBPU has an own bank account according to the UEMS regulations.
    2. The financial transactions (traveling costs, board meetings, exams, site visits) are handled by the administrative coordinator of the ESPU on behalf of the EBPU.
    3. The treasurer of the EBPU will make a budget for each year based on the income and expenses of the last year, which needs to be approved during the annual board meeting at the beginning of the year (latest last weekend of January).
    4. Once the budget is approved by the EBPU during the annual board meeting in January, the treasurer of the EBPU informs the board of the ESPU and the UEMS about the finance plan and sent the final report at the end of the year.
  10. European Academy of Paediatric Urology
    1. European Academy of Paediatric Urology (EAPU) is the Academy of people guaranteeing the highest standards of care in the field of Paediatric Urology in the UEMS countries.
    2. The title of a fellow of the academy is awarded by the EBPU to individuals fulfilling the criteria.
    3. The board members of the EAPU are automatically the appointed in the same positions as the ones of the EBPU and the MJC-PU (president, secretary and treasurer).
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