Accreditation or reaccreditation in Pediatric urology in UEMS countries: Information about the site visit
The training program must be within the countries where the UEMS regulations apply. The ETR contains detailed information about the necessary requirements.
- Application for Accreditation or Re-Accreditation:
The candidate for the program director or existing program director must apply directly to the EBPU for accreditation of the program.
Applications should include detailed information concerning the institution(s), medical and academic facilities, and staff.
The application form provided must be filled in and sent.
A schedule of the training program for the whole fellowship period of 2 years must be also provided.
The documents will be reviewed by the EBPU within the following board meeting (February-June-September) and, if approved, the site visit will be scheduled.
A site visit is necessary for every new application, after 10 years of accreditation or if major changes occur in a center. Please see the ETR for detailed information.
- Organization of the site visit:
After we inform the center about the necessity of a site visit, a date must be scheduled.
This date must be coordinated between the 2 surveyors – who are defined within the board meeting – and the center. The coordination of the date will be arranged by the administrative coordinator of the EBPU after the fee has been paid.
A hotel for the 2 surveyors and the transfer to and from the hospital must be prepared by the center.
The travel will be arranged by the EBPU.
- Requirements for the site visit:
The aim of the site visit of your pediatric center is to evaluate the quality of a fellowship program in Pediatric Urology. The actual standards of quality of care of the child with a pediatric urology problem can be also evaluated and the results can be included in the final report.
The site visit will usually take place on one day.
- If the program director would prefer the presence of a translator, he/she can organize either an official independent translator or invite a colleague who is a fluent English speaker.
- The surveyors will arrive (most of the time) the evening before the survey.
That evening is reserved for a dinner amongst the 2 surveyors.
- On the day of the survey, it is expected that the 2 EBPU surveyors are picked up early at their hotel so that they both can attend the “normal” start and course of the clinical day in the department of pediatric urology.
(Examples: meeting about the overnight emergency admissions, situation on the ward, daily program…)
Both EBPU surveyors must be able to attend your presentation about your department (history, structure).
The EBPU surveyors would like to visit (individually or together depending on the time schedule):
- The clinic, infrastructure, organization, nurses, OR
- The wards, infrastructure, organization, nurses
- The patient recording system + imaging handling
- Staff member of the departments where you work or network with:
urology (ESWL-robot) / pediatric surgery / pediatric endocrinology / pediatric neurology-neurosurgery if appropriate or relevant. - Visit the pediatric radiology infrastructure and member of the staff.
- Visit the (pediatric) nuclear medicine department infrastructure and member of the staff.
- Visit the NICU, pediatric surgical or non-surgical intensive care and member of the staff.
- Visit the pediatric nephrology department, dialysis and member of the staff.
- Visit research, simulation or educational facilities if appropriate.
The EBPU surveyors need 30’ individual interview with the fellow(s)
The EBPU surveyors need, after the visit and interviews, a room where they can meet for 30’- 60’ to make a summary of the day.
At the end of the day, the EBPU surveyor will meet the program director (and his or her staff if appropriate) to communicate a first summary / synthesis of the strengths and the opportunities of the fellowship program of pediatric urology.
A written program for the day of the visit must be provided for the 2 surveyors latest 1 week before the visit by email.
If desired, dinner with the staff members and the surveyors can be scheduled after the visit is finished. This must be decided with the 2 surveyors.
The program director will receive a written summary within 2-4 weeks after the date of the visit. Comments on the report can be made by the program director within 2 weeks after receipt.
The definitive decision following the visit will be made at the next EBPU board meeting. Within 2 weeks after that meeting, the program director will be informed about the final decision.
The Certificate of Accreditation will be submitted at the ESPU congress following successful accreditation or re-accreditation.
Accreditation is valid for 5 years. In certain cases – when changes must be made by the centers – temporary accreditation can be given for a period of 2 years, followed by a re-visit. If the re-visit is successful, the accreditation extends to 5 years. At the end of the last year of accreditation, the PD must apply for re-accreditation.
Any changes (e.g. a new program director) must be reported to the EBPU for approval.