Guidance for FEAPU Qualification examinations
These documents provide the information for Candidates, who are going to undertake the FEAPU examinations. It is important to note that the FEAPU qualification can only be officially given to candidates trained within the UEMS recognised countries.
Please read carefully the European Training Requirements for details
General information
The title of a Fellow of the European Academy of Paediatric Urology (FEAPU) can be given only to the candidates who were trained within the UEMS countries.
The other candidates (who were trained outside the UEMS countries) will receive the certificate after passing the exam (both parts), however they cannot be given the title FEAPU.
The names of the FEAPUs appear on the website of the Multidisciplinary Joint Committee of Paediatric Urology. During the application procedure for the exam, the candidates are asked to give their permission for their names to be publicised on the website.
Application procedure
All documents must be in English.
All documents must be submitted online before the deadline (10th of October at 23:59 Paris time zone). No applications will be accepted after the deadline.
Application fee must be paid and the confirmation must be sent with the other documents before the deadline.
Once accepted for the exams, the candidate must pay the exam fees before the 30th of November. If the fees are not paid, the candidate will be barred from taking the exams.
Required documents for the UEMS (FEAPU) candidates:
Online application form (the link is available at the end of this page when the submission period is open)
For the written part:
1/ CV
2/ supporting letter signed by the program director confirming the start date of the fellowship
For the oral part:
3/ personal logbook signed by the fellow and the program director (the whole training program, download Word template)
4/ list of surgical procedures (download Excel template)
5/ list of competence (new criterium, download Excel template)
6/ confirmation of the CME events (the report from the official register or certificates)
Candidates from the non-UEMS countries:
1/ CV
2/ reference letter is strongly recommended
The exam
- The MCQ test can be taken anytime during the fellowship. However you need to be a certified urologist or paediatric surgeon when you started your fellowship.
- The oral exam can only be taken at the end of the training as soon as all requirements are fulfilled (usually not earlier than three months before the fellowship is completed). Candidates can take both exams together (only one application fee).
- Both parts must be passed within a 5 years period and three attempts can be made for each part within this period.
- If the candidate has passed one part and failed the other, she/he has only to repeat the part that she/he was unsuccessful in. After three failures in one part, the candidate needs to redo the whole exam.
- The candidates will be informed of the schedule (exact time) of the written part via email. Following the GDPR the candidates will be given a personal number during the check-in. The results of the exam will be announced by the numbers not by the names.
- The written part (the MCQ) takes 2 hours and comprises of 100 questions. Only one answer is correct. There is no negative marking. The passing score (threshold) may vary each year depending on the level of difficulty of the exam.
- The oral exam is based on structured clinical scenarios. Each candidate will be examined on 4 scenarios. Each candidate will be examined over two tables with two examiners on each table. There are 2 scenarios per table, one examiner will conduct the viva and the other will take notes. After 12 minutes the examiners will switch roles. It usually takes about 50 minutes to complete the oral exam.
- During the oral exam, the candidate can score from 4 to 8 points for each scenario by each examiner independently on a single table. With 4 scenarios the maximum score is 64 (4 x 2 x 8 points). The passing score is 48 points (4 x 2 x 6 points on average). If the candidate got 4 points in any scenario, she/he cannot pass. If the candidate scores 5 points in one scenario, she/he can pass overall if getting at least 7 in the other one.
- The candidates will be informed about the results of the exam (both parts) as soon as the results are officially confirmed. The EBPU representatives will be available to discuss the outcome of the oral exam with the candidate(s) at the end of the day. If a candidate wants to point out another problem (suspicion of unfair or improper examining) an official letter should be sent to the EBPU secretary within 10 days after the exam. Please note that the conformity of the FEAPU exam has been already approved by the UEMS (CESMA certification).
- The exam fees and refund: Cancellation with a valid reason (e.g. sickness, flight delay) within 48 hours before the exam - the exam fees can be transferred to the following year’s exam. A written explanation must be provided. The exam fees are non-refundable in case of no show. Please see more information on exam fees here.
- Practical information about the exam:
- Detailed information about the exam formats
- See MCQ sample and Scenario sample
- Detailed information about the exam formats