Parent and Patient Information System - ESPU

Parent & Patient Information System 06/09/2015 Page49 / 51 Chapter 11 - Constipation What is constipation? Constipation is a common problem, it happens when pooh (stool) is not passed often enough or the child poohs regularly but the pooh is difficult to pass or is hard What can cause constipation? The cause can be different from child to child but holding onto pooh can often cause it. This can be as a result of poor toileting habits, (too busy to pooh), the pooh being hard or painful to pass, or not drinking very well The rectum (the part of the bowel closest to the outside/anus) sends signals to the brain when it is full. This tells the brain you need to poo and to go to the toilet. When poo arrives in the rectum and it is full it stretches and sends a signal to the brain to go to the toilet. Sometimes if the rectum is very full and there is a blockage of pooh along all the bowel the signals are not sent properly and the child does not get the correct signals that they need to pooh and can have accidents. This is not their fault. What are the signs of constipation?  Pain and straining to pooh  Poohs twice a week or less;  Dry, hard or painful stools;  Very large amounts of pooh in the diaper or in the toilet;  Babies may cry and strain  Accidents- you child poohs in their underwear a least once per week (if your child is potty trained)  Stomach ache – can sometimes be severe,