Parent & Patient Information System 06/09/2015 Page30 / 51 The urine producing part of kidney (parenchyma) and urine transporting part (collecting system) develop from different origins. Parenchyme starts to develop in the groin region of the embryo and then it starts to migrate to higher position and it should connect with the collecting system at the right place at the right time. The first urine is produced around 11th weeks. Problems of migration end up with the formation of horse-shoe (fusion abnormalities) or ectopic (misplaced) kidneys. Problems in the formation of ureteric bud structure which will form the future collecting system cause duplication, ureterocele, ectopic ureter and vesicoureteral reflux. If the timing of the convergence of parenchyma and collecting system is not proper, a nonfunctioning kidney with a bunch of grapes shape called multicystic dysplastic kidney.