Parent and Patient Information System - ESPU

Parent & Patient Information System 06/09/2015 Page29 / 51 border to downside, renal pelvis turns into the tubular structure called ureter. Normally, we have one ureter for each kidney. The travel of ureter ends in urinary bladder. The bladder is composed of mostly muscular tissue and has the capability of enlarging as the volume of stored urine increases. In adults, it can store upto 500 ml.s. An adult person produces 1500 ml of urine in a day. Excessive or decreased volume of urine may be a sign of kidney diseases. As the volume increases, the bladder via the nerve fibers sends signals to brain about its fullness. When the person finds a convenient social environment for micturation, the bladder contracts, the sphincter (a structure made of circular muscle fibers at the outlet of bladder which is providing continence) relaxes and whole stored urine is emptied without residue through a tubular structure which is called urethra. The most outer part of urethra opens to the tip of penis in man and just above the vaginal opening in woman. How did the urinary system develop? The first 10 weeks of the baby in mother’s uterus is called embryo and this period is very important for the development of organs. After this period till birth, baby is called as fetus. In mother’s uterus, the kidney functions are carried out by the placenta (the connection between baby and mother). However, after birth baby needs perfectly working kidneys to survive.