Parent & Patient Information System 06/09/2015 Page21 / 51 gravity into the bladder until it is full. During the filling period, several films are taken to investigate the presence of VUR or other probable abnormalities. When the bladder becomes full, the catheter is taken out and several films are obtained during the voiding. A last film is taken to see whether there is residual urine in the bladder. Although, the procedure itself is painless, restriction of the movements, feeling of cold due to the special solution which is used to rinse the genitalia, insertion of the catheter and fullness of bladder can disturb the children. Parents may stay with child during the procedure by wearing the radiation protective shields. The whole procedure normally lasts about 15-20 minutes. No special instructions are needed after the test. There is no need to restrict diet or physical activities. Your doctor will evaluate the test and may request for additional tests if necessary. 2.4.3 Concerns During the procedure, the child receives a little amount of radiation. The effective radiation dose which a 5-10 years old child is exposed to is 1.6mSv which is equivalent to the natural background radiation in 6 months. In newborns, it is 0.8mSV which is equivalent to a natural radiation of 3-months. However, the benefits of the test overcome the radiation risk. To decrease this risk of radiation, new fluoroscopy machines have been developed, number of films may be limited and protective shields may be used on the genitalia. Another risk which is extremely rare is the probable allergic reactions to the contrast material used in the test. You should contact to your doctor if an adverse effect happens. After the test, some children may complain about some burning feeling during their voiding. It should nearly always fade away. On the other hand, the change in the color and odor of the urine and fever following the test may be the signs of UTI. In these occasions, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible. 2.5 Computerized tomography (CT) It is a test which the X-rays are directed in a surrounding manner with a special technology. It can be used to investigate the pathologies inside the cavities (skull, chest, abdomen) of the body. Contrast material is also used in this test in order to investigate the organs and related pathologies in details. It lets to investigate all the organs within the slices of the imaging. Slices are taken