Parent and Patient Information System - ESPU

Parent & Patient Information System 06/09/2015 Page17 / 51 parameters give clues about many diseases including infection, renal tubular disease, stone disease and other systemic diseases. Findings of crystalluria may be helpful for diagnosis and follow-up of stone disease. 1.2 Urine culture Obtaining samples for urine culture in children sometimes may be difficult. In toilette trained children, midstream urine voided to a sterile container may be used for this purpose. However, we must keep in mind that penile skin in uncircumcised children may cause contamination. In children who are not toilette trained, urine bag, urethral catheterization and suprapubic puncture techniques may be used. The results are obtained 48-72 hour after sample delivery. Bacterial growth more than 100000 colony forming units is generally considered clinically significant, however in some conditions lower numbers may be accepted as infection. 1.3 Kidney function tests Serum creatinine levels: Creatinine is a metabolite of creatine which is found in skeletal muscles and it is excreted by the kidneys. Since, the daily production of creatinine is stable, it is a direct indicator of renal function. Children have a lower muscle mass and therefore the serum creatinine levels are lower than adults. Creatinine clearance: Clearence of a substance reflects the amount of plasma cleaned from this substance per time. The creatinine clearance is the most reliable measurement of kidney function. Twenty-four hour urine collection and serum creatinine levels are needed to make this calculation. Blood urea nitrogen: Urea is the by-product of protein degradation. It is also an indicator of kidney function; however it can be affected by the dietary protein and water intake.