Parent and Patient Information System - ESPU

Parent & Patient Information System 06/09/2015 Page10 / 51 The surgical intervention should be done and completed around the age of 1 (after 6 months). However, if the child has an accompanying hernia, there is no need to wait until this age and child should be operated at the earliest possible time for anesthesia. The most accepted and exact treatment of undescended testis is surgery. An incision made in the inguinal region, testis is released from the attachments around, the present patent processus vaginalis is repaired and testis is placed into the scrotum. In very well selected patients, hormonal treatment may be used for 3-4 weeks. The children in whom hormonal treatment worth to trying have mobile palpable testicles which could be brought to scrotum easily. The success rate of hormonal treatment in true undescended testis is very low. In patients with hydrocele or hernia and who have previous inguinal surgery history, hormonal treatment is not indicated. Hormone treatment may be used before or after the surgery to increase the fertility index. Side effects are enlargement of penis and scrotum, pubic hair growth, darkening of the scrotum skin and increased activity. These side effects are mild and transient.