Urotherapy Book

Cover I
Summary 1
Foreword 2
Section 1 Introduction 2
1. Preface 3
2. Learning Objectives 4
Useful websites 71
Section 2 General Aspects 6
1. Functional Bowel and Bladder Dysfunction 6
2. Urotherapy and Urotherapists 7
3. Team Approach 8
4. Assessment and Diagnosis 9
5. Therapeutic Interventions 11
Toilet training for constipation 11
Standard urotherapy 12
Specific urotherapy 12
6.Evaluation of Treatment 14
References 66
Section 3. Cases 16
CASE 1: Constipation Treatment in a 7 year Old Boy 16
Background; 16
Assessment & engage phase: 17
Treatment phase: 18
Ending phase 23
Case 2: Overactive Bladder and Enuresis Treatment in a 9 year old boy 24
Objectives 24
Assessment 25
Follow-up 32
Ending phase 37
Case 3: Dysfunctional Voiding Treatment in a 10 year Old Girl 38
Objectives 38
Background 38
Assessment 39
Treatment phase 45
Follow-up 46
Ending phase 48
Case 4 Underactive Bladder Treatment in a 14 year old girl 50
Background 50
Assessment 51
Treatment phase 53
Ending phase 56
Case 5: Giggle Incontinence and Treatment in a 10 year old girl 57
Objectives 57
Background 57
Assessment 57
Treatment phase 61
Follow-up 63
Ending phase 65