Urotherapy Book

71 Useful websites The Incontinence Magazine | Incontinence UK ERIC Incontinence prevention, management & support | Continence Foundation of Australia ICCS - International Children's Continence Society (i-c-c-s.org) DISCLAIMER This webbook is for educational purposes; and the author (s) does not, did not, and will not receive any financial or material gain from this work. This material may also contain copyrighted content, the rights of which are solely of its owner (s), and that no copyright infringement was intended upon the use of such content (s). The vast majority of the content of the training/patient materials has been developed at UMCU / Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital Utrecht, Netherlands. The illustrations are also copyrighted and may not be used elsewhere. For patient care purposes you may use, these materials, distribute or copy, provided that you include our copyrights/ sources.