34 During the following weeks, he reported similar trainings results. However, concentration slightly waned during the last 4 weeks. His parents had to remind him more often about the training, and when it was pointed out to him to pay attention, he manages to stay dry again. Treatment outcome Follow-up After 3 months, he returns to the clinic to evaluate how things are going then. He has fewer wetting accidents during the day, 2-3 per week and when he is wet, it’s only his underpants, not his trousers anymore. With full days program and distractions when he is playing with friends, he becomes wet. He is aware that it will take him effort to stay dry during the day. He and his mum are satisfied with the results. He has less urgency complaints, he had bowel movements every day. His voiding frequency has improved to 6-7 times a day and his bladder volume increased to max 200 mls. Wetting still occurs during the night, and he is wearing a diaper during the night. He would also like to become dry at night. 0 10 20 30 40 50 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Flowrate (mL/sec) Uroflow Time (sec)