32 Therapy David gets information from the Urotherapist about how the bladder works and what an overactive bladder is. He gets a written training explanation about the training and a bladder diary to keep his training results. The Urotherapist explains what Oxybutynin does and what side effects can occur: Training instructions – Bladder diary Inhibit urgency by prescribing anticholinergics, this will give him some. It is important that he drinks sufficient and has bowel movements every day. Furthermore, he gets the message that when he is feeling his bladder signals, he must go. Postponing is not permitted at this stage of the treatment, and he must learn to react adequately to his bladder signals: Wee factory He gets instructions about how to keep training rules at home. The Urotherapist teaches him the 3 training rules: how to void, when and how often. The Urotherapist agreed on how to support him in the coming weeks: They will ring him weekly. He is doing bladder training, and his mother/father may reward him, and help by reminding him to practice and to hold on. Follow-up During the first three weeks, the Urotherapist rings him every Monday after school time. She discussed how training is going. David must tell his training results. How often did he stay dry, what went well, and what is difficult? First phone contact: The Urotherapist speaks with David. The phone is on the speaker so his mum can listen too. Together they discuss his training process. David follows the training instructions. He has worked on his toilet and drinking routine. After he goes to the toilet, he signs his list. At the end of the day, he drew a sun or a cloud on his list: A sun when he stayed dry or a cloud when he was wet. He scored 2 suns this week! Of the 7 days during the week, he was dry for 2 days. A record for him and he and his mom were really very proud. Excellent!