Libro de Uroterapia

73 usamos un globo para explicar la fábrica de pipi, porque una vejiga es un poco como un globo. Con los dedos podemos mostrar cómo funcionan los músculos del esfínter y del suelo pélvico. Tu médico(a) y/o kinesiólogo(a) te explicará lo que es especialmente útil para aprender sobre tu problema de vejiga. Puedes intentar describir a continuación qué le pasa a tu vejiga: Wee factory You’ll find your bladder at the bottom of your tummy. Your bladder is where your wee is kept. Your kidneys make your wee. If you put your hands on your hips, with your thumbs facing forward, your kidneys are near your fingers, just below your ribs. Kidneys are a kind of sieve that clean the blood. They take out the stuff you don’t need from your blood. We call that stuff waste matter. Everything you drink consists mainly of water, but water is also in much of what you eat, for example in ice cream, custard and apples. You always drink more than your body needs. Your kidneys make sure that the excess water and waste matter go to your bladder. That is your wee. Vejiga Esfínter (Tapón) Músculos del piso Pélvico (frenos de emergencia) Riñones